Kimberley Widger is currently an Assistant Professor at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto and a Nursing Research Associate at the Hospital for Sick Children. Her research focuses on identifying and measuring structures, processes, and outcomes that are indicative of high-quality pediatric palliative and end-of-life care and finding ways to ensure optimal care is provided regardless of setting or diagnosis. Her doctoral research, completed at the University of Toronto, was a multi-centre study to develop and test an instrument that measured the quality of care provided to dying children and their families from the perspective of bereaved parents. She also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at SickKids focused on knowledge translation and end-of-life pain management for children. Kimberley was supported by CIHR Fellowships and CCHCSP Career Enhancement Awards for both her doctoral and post-doctoral work. She currently holds a Career Development Award from the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program.