Lisa Klekovkina

Social Worker in Research

Lisa Klekovkina is a social worker in research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, where she provides psychosocial care to cancer patients and their families. Lisa is a certified Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) therapist. Lisa’s research focuses on addressing traumatic stress in caregivers and patients with cancer, contributing to improving mental health support for this population. She also supports the CALM National Program, developing the online educational module for training new clinicians in CALM. Lisa is cross-appointed at The Hospital for Sick Children, where she supports caregivers of children with cancer. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology Research and a Master of Social Work from the University of Toronto. Her clinical and research work reflects her commitment to enhancing psychosocial care for individuals and families facing life-threatening illnesses.



Related Information

Managing Cancer And Living Meaningfully (CALM)

An individualized therapy designed to help patients manage the challenges of living with cancer, reduce distress and promote psychological well-being

Jun 19

Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully BC Workshop

June 19th - June 20th   Registration Required   Hybrid Event


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