Maya Stern

Social Worker in Research

Maya Stern, MPH, MSW, RSW is a Social Worker in Research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. She is a trained CALM therapist and provides psychotherapy to people living with advanced cancer and their caregivers. Maya has extensive experience as a Patient Partner, supporting research exploring the psychosocial impacts of childhood cancer, and transitions in palliative care. She continues to contribute to research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre on the impact of caregiving for people living with cancer. Her goals are to improve the quality of life and psychosocial outcomes of people affected by cancer.

Related Information

Managing Cancer And Living Meaningfully (CALM)

An individualized therapy designed to help patients manage the challenges of living with cancer, reduce distress and promote psychological well-being

Jun 19

Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully BC Workshop

June 19th - June 20th   Registration Required   Hybrid Event


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