Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully BC Workshop

June 19th - June 20th


Join us for the Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully British Columbia Workshop on June 19 and 20, 2025 from 9:00-13:00 Eastern Standard Time. This workshop is intended for clinicians working in psychosocial oncology and palliative care that are affiliated with the CALM National Program.

Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) is a brief, semi-structured, evidence-based intervention designed to help people with advanced and metastatic cancer, and their close loved ones, manage the practical and profound problems associated with advanced disease. Reduction of psychological distress and prevention of future distress are the primary goals of CALM.

Developed by Gary Rodin MD and Sarah Hales MD PhD at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, Canada, CALM focuses on four content domains that address the practical and profound issues commonly faced by individuals with advanced and metastatic cancer.

CALM therapy optimally consists of three to six sessions delivered over three to six months, by a wide range of specially trained health care providers.

Learning Objectives:


Deadline: June 6th @ 11:50pm


Venue:   Hybrid Event

Address:  BC Cancer Agency, 600 W 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC.

Related Info

Gary Rodin

Director of GIPPEC at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto

Argin Malakian

Registered Oncology Nurse

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Kate Hunt

Social Worker in Research

Laura Foran

Manager, CALM National Program

Lisa Klekovkina

Social Worker in Research

Maya Stern

Social Worker in Research

Sarah Hales

Clinician Researcher Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Managing Cancer And Living Meaningfully (CALM)

An individualized therapy designed to help patients manage the challenges of living with cancer, reduce distress and promote psychological well-being


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